Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
宋兴运牙医具有丰富的牙科工作经验。在中国和澳大利亚从医二十多年。接受了中国和澳大利亚的正规培训。毕业于山东大学, 获牙医学士学位和口腔颌面外科硕士学位后在国家卫生部直管医院山东大学齐鲁医院工作, 任主治医师。2004 年获得 Flinders 医学院博士学位并于2006、2007 年在墨尔本皇家牙科医院接受再培训。从 2007 年起, 除短暂在布里斯班皇家医院工作外一直在南澳西人私人诊所里工作, 直到成立自己的诊所。宋医生精通牙科各专业并特别擅长智齿和种植牙, 经常接收其他牙医转来的此类病人。在美国的口腔颌面外科杂志及英国等专业杂志发表高水平论文十几篇。
澳大利亚种植牙骨结合学会会员 (AOS)
North Eastern Hospital 和 Calvary Central Districts Hospital 全麻下做口腔外科手术资格
Dr Song has the experience and expertise to provide the entire implant treatment from start to finish, meaning you no longer need to see multiple specialists to complete your dental implant.
First, a 3-D digital x-ray of your mouth (cone beam CT) is taken. This 3-D image allows for a clearer view of the treatment area, showing both hard and soft tissue. Next, through a computer simulation of the implant procedure, Dr Song will be able to precisely plan your surgery.
A surgical guide is produced from our computer data and scans, which allow for the titanium implant to be placed at the ideal angle and depth during surgery. This implant acts as the tooth root and Dr Song will then place a dental crown on top to finish off the dental implant.
诊所位于 Campbelltown Shopping Centre, 有大量免费停车位。
地址: Shop 2, 606 Lower North East Road, Campbelltown SA 5074
电话:8337 6784 或 0418680169
开诊时间:周一至周五 8:30AM - 5:00PM
周六: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
提供牙医全科服务: 洗牙, 牙齿美白, 补牙, 拔牙, 镶假牙, 根管治疗,牙冠, 牙桥, 智齿,种植牙及其它牙科项目.
A brand new, family-friendly general practice with a mission to provide comprehensive medical service that is accessible and affordable to the community.
Dr Kevin Chew (Chiropractor / Chronic Pain)
Shop 1/606 Lower North East Road, Campbelltown, SA 5074
Contact: 0492 896 132 /